
May 15, 2013: MINUTES 2013




Minutes- May 15, 2013


Chairman David Gross called the May 15,
2013 meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Presence of a quorum was
determined.  CEA letter, roadside spraying letter, solar array
presentation, and indigenous fruit trees were added as Old Business.  Ann moved to approve amended agenda.  Seconded by Bill.  Motion passed
5-0-0-2.  Bill moved to approve minutes of April 17 as amended.  Seconded by Ann.  Motion passed
5-0-0-2.  Ann moved to approve minutes of May 1 as amended.  Seconded by Bobbie.  Motion passed


Members Present: Ann Brandt, Bobbie
Cooper, Bill Dubilier, David Gross. Jim Hanson


Members Absent: Grace Bowne, Mary Burke


Others Present: Ken Panza

Correspondence, Literature, Announcements: 
No correspondence.  Budget was in.


Old Business:


* Roadside Spraying letter - Ann could
not find any WEC letter about this topic.  She recalled discussing it; and
County environmental monitoring of anti-spraying along sides of roads. 
Ann recommended that TB be the initiator of writing against spraying to County
and State.


*  Critical Environmental Area
letter - Ann.  Original TWEQR law has a section about Type I Action,  part of which relates to designating wetlands
as CEAs in Woodstock.  Decision: FEMA
should know about these wetland areas in TWEQR, and the TB ought to make
presentation to FEMA.  WEC would like copy of final maps.  Ann will
draft a WEC recommendation to this effect.


* Indigenous Fruit Trees - Bobbie met
with Mike Reynolds, and Alex is now free to plant Paw Paw trees.

* Solar Array -  David.  David made
a presentation about environmental impact of putting up solar array at and for
the water treatment plant to the TB last night.


* EAB - Jim.  May 4th was meeting
on the issue.  DEC man, George Profus, Eric Richards, a tree cutter, and
Vern Rist, were on hand for questions.  Major part of survey was
done.  Area between soccer field and Longyear Meadow is heavily ashed, Jim
said.  It was marked.   Jim will
check out other areas before next WEC meeting. 
Vern will be asked to come to next meeting.  Bill asked if any
trees on soccer field were affected. , Jim said there were no signs yet
trees on soccer field being affected, but there are signs on trees along
Bearsville Road. He will report to WEC after the next meeting of the County
Task Force, which is on May 24th.  Not sure when next tagging day is yet.

New Business:


 *  Plan summer meeting dates
- David.  July 3rd is out.  First meeting in August will be canceled,

*  Planning Board Cases - David.  None were in the box yet. 
David will check the PB agenda and e-mail it to WEC members.  Ann will
handle the 85 Mill Hill Road case.


(Early in the meeting, Bobbie said she
had attended PB case about a building near stream, and wanted to know if
sending a note to members that she had done it was enough.  Yes, said
David.  Jim said questions had been raised about Wetlands and Watercourse
Law.  PB has to be very careful about making any exceptions.  Bobbie
will call Therese to find out if WEC can get a copy of the map used in this


Meeting was adjourned at 8:02. 
Jim made the motion.  Bill seconded.  Motion passed 5-0-0-2.