Parking in Woodstock

Parking in Woodstock






Welcome to Woodstock



If you are visiting for the first time, you will find parking in 4 main locations:


1. Along the South side of Rt. 212 (also known as Mill Hill Road and Tinker Street).

2. In commercial lots owned by businesses along Rt. 212.

3. On side streets. Please be careful not to block driveways. 

4. In public lots accessible off Rock City Road, Comeau Drive, the driveway marked "Parking" next to the Pub, and between the Houst Hardware lot and Tannery Brook Road (see map for further detail).


There is no parking on the North side of Rt. 212. 


Please consult this map for locations of parking lots, handicapped parking, the gas station, and electric care charging stations. There are no meters, but the parking lot on the East side of Rock City Road charges by the day on weekends during the summer season (exact dates vary).


Please drive carefully, and enjoy your visit!





Parking in Woodstock Map



CLICK HERE to see an enlarged version of the Woodstock Parking Map.




